It is the responsibility of parents to have their child dressed for school appropriately, reflecting good taste and proper modesty. As a general guideline, students should dress appropriately for the weather. If you are in doubt about something, please feel free to ask. Inappropriate wearing apparel will result in student's removal from class until the problem is corrected and/or possible disciplinary action.
In addition, there may be required dress for certain activities such as school dances or award programs. These activities are voluntary with students choosing to participate. However, to participate in such activities, certain dress codes may be required. Students and parents will receive ample notification of requirements.
The following are general guidelines:
Hats are never to be worn in the school building. "Hats off to Williston!"
Jackets, coats, gloves, or other forms of outerwear are not to be worn in the classroom.
We promote a healthy lifestyle for our students thus, T-shirts or other attire or pins that advertise or promote alcoholic beverages, smoking, drugs, or profanity is unacceptable at our school. Shirts with disregard for human life are inappropriate.
Tops that expose the midriff are unacceptable. Mesh shirts or tank tops. (Scooped neck and sleeveless) must be covered with an over-blouse/shirt or must be worn on top of another shirt.
Skirts and shorts must be mid-length or longer. No beach wear or pajamas and slippers are permitted.
Any form of torn clothing, clothing that drags on the floor, or chains are considered safety hazards and can not be worn.
Baggy or low cut pants or shorts which expose undergarments or skin are unacceptable.
Sunglasses (unless authorized by a doctor) may not be worn in school.
In the interest of safety and good health, shoes must be worn at all times.
Any bizarre or extreme dress or appearance, which is disruptive to the educational process, is prohibited. This would include writing on clothing that is inappropriate.
Student athletes are to be dressed appropriately when attending events. Williston Middle School may forfeit any game where the team is dressed in a manner that is not in good taste.