District Nutrition Standards:



·                     A majority (80%) of food items sold individually:

o        will have less than or equal to 35% of its calories from fat (excluding nuts, seeds, peanut butter, and other nut butters) and 10% of its calories from saturated and trans fat combined;

o        will not have sugar listed as the first ingredient.  Candy is not allowable.

·                     WPS encourages fruits and/or vegetables to be offered for sale at any location on the school site where foods are sold. 


·                     Juices sold must be 100% fruit juice.

·                     No added sweetener as the first ingredient

·                     Less than or equal to 35% of calories from fat per serving

·                     Beginning 2006-2007 - All vending machines which sell pop will be off between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.  Juice and water machines may be left on at all times with the exception of those in the foodservice area, which must be turned off during meal times, 8:00–9:00 a.m. and12:00-1:00 p.m. according to USDA regulations. 

·                     Beginning 2007-2008 - WPS will pursue using 12 oz bottles of pop. 

·                     Pop machines in staff work rooms may be left on at all times.

·                     Vending machines with 100% of the products fitting within the beverage standards can be on all day, except during meal service times.


Additionally, it is recognized that there may be RARE special occasions when the school principal may allow a school group to deviate from these standards.



Each class party should include no more than one food and beverage that does not meet district nutrition standards for foods and beverages.