Williston School District #1

Tech Training - March/April, 2000


The following technology training sessions are available in March/April. The sessions are NOT available for graduate credit. We hope to offer another session for graduate credit during the summer.


Mac Basics

Participants will learn the basic concepts of operating a Mac: Creating/deleting/moving items, multifinder, Mac terminology, mouse basics, saving/storing/moving files, proper file storage methods, aliases, printing,background printing, finder, chooser and control panels. Instructor: Wayne Engebretson. Date: Tues, March 14th 6-9 pm. JHS Upper lab.


Mac Basics II

Participants will have a short review of Mac Basics and learn more indepth things such as: Understanding extensions/control panels, rebuilding desktop, parts of the CPU and what they do, how to clean your mouse, how to customize your Mac, network basics including file sharing and TCP/IP, basic troubleshooting methods, etc. Instructor: Wayne Engebretson. Date: Tues, March 21st, 6-9 pm. Prereq: Mac Basics.


Windows Basics

Participants will learn the basic concepts of operating a PC: Finding your way around on a PC, creating/deleting/moving items, PC terminology, mouse basics, saving/storing/moving files, working with folders and shortcuts, using the find function, printing, desktop functions, control panels, adding/removing software, etc. Instructor: Robin Hauge. Date: Monday, March 27th, 4-7 pm. WHS #211


Windows Basics II

Participants will have a short review of Windows Basics I and learn more indepth things such as: Control panels, parts of the CPU and what they do, how to clean your mouse, how to customize your PC, network basics and TCP/IP, basic troubleshooting methods, etc. Instructor: Robin Hauge. Date: Monday, April 10th, 4-7 pm WHS #211. Prereq: Windows Basics.


Web Authoring

Participants will learn the basics of how to make a web page and upload it to the server. Handy class for anyone who has material which students/parents etc need access to. The best part: You don't have to be a nerd to design web material. All Williston Public School participants will have Claris Homepage loaded on their computers. Instructor: Julie Palmer. Thurs, March 23rd. 4-7 pm WHS #211.


Web Authoring - Intermediate

Participants will practice creating web pages and working with the more complex portions of Claris Homepage. This session will include a review of the material covered in the beginning session. Instructor: Julie Palmer Thurs, March 30th 4-7 pm WHS #211. Prereq: Web Authoring


Outlook Express (E-mail) for Mac

Participants will learn how to send/receive email, set up address books, groups, filters, organize mail and other topics. If you have a computer in your classroom, it would be best to switch from popmail to Outlook Express. It is easier to use and much faster. Instructor: Steve Kemp Tues, March 28th 4-7 pm JHS Upper lab

Outlook Express (E-mail) for PC

Participants will learn how to send/receive email, set up address books, groups, filters, organize mail and other topics. If you have a computer in your classroom, it would be best to switch from popmail to Outlook Express. It is easier to use and much faster. Instructor: Steve Kemp Tues, April 4th 4-7 pm WHS #211




To register, email Julie Palmer at [email protected] or send a copy of the registration info below to the district office.

Payment for out of district participants will be due at the first attended session. Cost for out of district participants is $3.00 per contact hour.


Name: ______________________________ School: ______________________



Name/Date of Class



Mac Basics I - Tues, March 14th

6:00-9:00 pm

JHS Upper Lab

Mac Basics II - Tues, March 21st

6:00-9:00 pm

JHS Upper Lab

Web Authoring - Thurs, March 23rd

4:00-7:00 pm

WHS #211

Windows I - Monday, March 27th

4:00-7:00 pm

WHS #211

Outlook (Mac)-Tues, March 28th

4:00-7:00 pm

JHS Upper Lab

Web Author-Intermediate Mar 30th

4:00-7:00 pm

WHS #211

Outlook (PC)-Tues, April 4th

4:00-7:00 pm

WHS #211

Windows II - Mon, April 10th

4:00-7:00 pm

WHS #211

